Apotemnophilia: Let’s Reveal Hidden Secrets of This Rare Mental Disorder

Understanding Apotemnophilia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Introduction Apotemnophilia is a rare mental disorder.It delves into the complex realm of body integrity identity disorder (BIID). This condition prompts individuals to experience an intense desire to amputate a healthy limb, driven by a profound sense of incongruence between their perceived body image and the actual physical form. … Read more

What is Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

What is Alice in Wonderland syndrome? Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a rare neurological condition that affects the perception of one’s body size and shape, as well as the size and shape of external objects. People with Alice in wonderland syndrome may experience distortions in their vision, hearing, touch, and sense of time. They may see … Read more

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